Warrnambool | A City for Living

Green Warrnambool Co-Lab

We’re often told to think global and act local. Now’s your chance!

The Warrnambool City Council are hosting the Green Warrnambool Co-Lab workshop.

It’s an opportunity for you to bring your thoughts and ideas of local solutions to fight climate change, protect our environment and promote sustainability. We are particularly interested in supporting sustainability and renewable energy initiatives, though all ideas are welcome. Council staff will be there to help discuss ideas and how we can collectively make them happen.

Some ideas could be setting up a community energy project, establishing ride to work groups, encouraging households to electrify their homes or developing an advocacy campaign.

You’ll meet others who have similar ideas, and you can work together to develop a winning project.

If you’re keen, please sign up – places are limited so get in quick to make sure your voice is heard.

If you have any questions, please email [email protected]